Candace Howe Studios

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Dear Expectant One,

How exciting! You’re carrying literal LIFE inside you, nourishing, protecting, and developing your little one and you couldn’t be happier, I remember. Life is about to change and it’s exciting and scary all wrapped in this gorgeous bump. Will I do this right? Will we bond right away? What don’t I know that I should know? There’s just SO MANY KINDS OF BOTTLES!!

But you know. If you’re honest, in your heart of hearts you know that you know! You already know how to move, what he/she needs and what time they like to have their little dance party in your belly (if they’re anything like my little one, it’s just after you’ve finally sat down for the evening). You have a rhythm. Soon, your little heart will be born and if I offer you nothing else, Remember Your Rhythm.

Your voice is his/her first lullaby and soon your arms will be their safe space. Trust that voice that tells you, You’ve Got This, because you do!

Look at what your body has already done! How powerful you’ve stood. How protected and nurtured your baby has already been. So when sleep training and teething try your last nerve, remember that!

You Are Mom and there’s no one better suited for your role than You!

Love + Sweet Dreams
